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What Can I Do For You?

Listed below are the possible commission options and their base prices. The base price does not confirm how much your piece will cost. The complexity of your request is the determiner of your total cost increasing or decreasing. As mentioned in my Terms of Service, additional requests made during the drawing process may require extra payment.


Please scroll down to read my Terms of Service before making an order.


A sketch drawing consists of a messy line drawing of the character



Portrait: $15+

Half-Body: $20+

Full-Body: $25+



Color: +$5

Shadow: +$5

Landscape: +$10
Additional Characters: +$15



Line drawings are attentively detailed and clean, and neatly present the character.



Portrait: $25+

Half-Body: $35+

Full-Body: $45+



Color: +$5

Shadow: +$5

Landscape: +$45 (min)
Additional Characters: +$15 (min)



A painting consists of a fully shaded, lineless piece. Color is optional.



Portrait: $85+

Half-Body: $120+

Full-Body: $180+



Landscape: +$110
Additional Characters: +$35



A character reference may consist of one rendered drawing (lined or lineless) and concept drawings.




Terms of Service

By commissioning me for work, you understand and abide to follow these guidelines


  1. All work is digital.

  2. I will agree to draw anything that I am comfortable with or fits my expertise. However, your order will be DECLINED if it contains any of the following: 

    • The promotion of real world ideas that go against Christian morality (Example: Satanic worship)

    • Sexual content (such as inappropriate positions, clothing, looks, or characters based from sexual media)

    • Excessive or extremely graphic gore

    • The promotion of real world politics, politicians, or celebrities

    • Existing designs that the client does not have the legal rights to (Example: Optimus Prime, owned by Hasbro, Inc.)

    • Furries 

    • Your order can also be declined for unlisted reasons at any time.



  1. All transactions will be in USD and done through PayPal.

  2. Requesting that one or multiple subjects be added to the piece will require a discussed extra payment.

  3. Time extensions and/or massive changes after feedback may require extra payment.

  4. Every order option will require an upfront payment before I begin the drawing. Some options will allow for only half the total at the start.

  5. The order can be cancelled at anytime, but refunds will not be accepted after finishing the sketch phase of the drawing. You will receive the drawing at its current state at the time of the cancelation. 


I, Ember-Newcomer

  1. Agree to be honest, civilized, thorough, and consistent with our communication, as well as up to date with interferences with the commission process that may slow it down. 

  2. Reserve the right to cancel a commission anytime and provide any refunds back if necessary.

  3. Retain the copyrights over the commissioned work.

  4. Will not claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned piece.

  5. Have the right to upload the commissioned work online or add to my portfolio UNLESS requested otherwise.


You, The Client

  1. Agree to be honest, civilized, thorough, and consistent with our communication, as well as up to date with any interferences in payment.

  2. May use the artwork for commercial purposes as long as you select the option to do so and agree to talk about your company, and what you plan to do with my service.

  3. May not alter the artwork without permission (copyright infringement).

  4. May not resell unless the artwork was specifically purchased for commercial use.

  5. Retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).

  6. May not claim my work as your own (copyright infringement).

  7. Understand that refusing to follow the guidelines provided will terminate your order, or worst-case scenario, get you blacklisted from ever being able to commission from me again.


What to Expect

You will be paying me upfront once we have discussed and added your order to the queue. Prices will vary between pieces with reasons included. Throughout the process, I will send you progress images of each stage with a protective watermark over the image (if not paid in full price at this point). Work may or may not be on pause until I hear back from you. The biggest changes and alterations can be made at this time. Time extensions and/or massive changes in the work after feedback may require an extra fee. Once I let you know that the piece is coming near completion, I will request the second payment to complete your total due (depending on the type of order). When the money is received, I will send you the completed work as a full resolution PNG, as well as a smaller version for internet upload. Changes can be made in the end, but expect a likely additional charge. Artwork may take an average of 1-4 weeks or as long as 2-3 months to complete.


The Usual Process Goes as Follows

  1. Sketches: one or multiple sketches that explore different compositions, poses, and/or designs. The sketch approved by you will be used as the base for the line drawing.

  2. Lineart: the detailed line drawing over the sketch.

  3. Color: color flats are applied to the line drawing. At this time, I will also be using a "block-in" technique for the background environment if there is one in the order.

  4. Values: shadows and highlights are applied to the drawing.

  5. Detail (Rendering): applying to renders only, this is where I start to apply texture and detail that would otherwise be lost without the lineart present. The fully rendered drawing will finish at this stage.


Some requests may be unique in its process and their specific steps will have to be discussed personally with the client

A new contact form is currently in the works...


If you are interested in contacting me for commission work, please consider reaching out to me through Discord (ember_newcomer).

I can also be contacted through Instagram or DeviantArt

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